water babies

A few photos from last weekend in Florida. We went fishing, and Nate caught a baby shark. I caught a few saltwater catfish–which are apparently quite unsavory. We also went paddle boarding with and old surfer dude who was kind enough to take this photo. I’m awfully fond of the handsome bathing beauty in the background.


the little gem of a.c.

I love to travel, but bad things often happen when I do. Like the time Air Mexicana went out of business while we were up in the air (apparently, that can actually happen). Or when I accidently booked a discounted train ticket on a French website (a language that I do not speak) for a trip from Paris to Amsterdam, only to arrive to find that we didn’t have a seat, were shipped to the cargo, and promptly vomited on by a passenger.

We’ve become accustomed to these nuisances-coming to expect them and laughing them off when they happen. Unfortunately, I’m afraid I may have been the curse to a recent girls’ trip in Atlantic City last weekend. We arrived at the Chelsea Hotel to find no electricity or running water, along an entire city in a state of emergency due to a storm. What was supposed to be a day spent at the pool cabana turned into eight ladies sharing a room at the Showboat (dubbed “the little gem of AC”) that’s probably best summed up by this photo. Luckily, I have a great group of girlfriends and we managed to have a fantastic weekend at the Shitboat.
