alabama shakes

We went to see the Alabama Shakes on Sunday afternoon at Central Park. It was a free show, but my friend Candice at BeautyNewsNYC was kind enough to gift us VIP tickets so that we could sit in the shade and sip free booze. If you get the chance to see this band perform live, please do so. They’re beyond amazing, and the lead singer can wail. Like, I want to take this woman home and ask her sing me to sleep every night kind of sing. I’d also kind of like to motorboat her.





This photo is from the Chinatown/Little Italy scavenger hunt that we took last weekend when Keith and Amy were visiting. What could easily be dubbed as a NYC history nerd’s wet dream, this scavenger hunt (put on by StayBoots) sends the clues to your iPhone so that you can peruse at your leisure. Nate and I did the West Village one in October and found that it’s a great way to see little gems in the city that you didn’t know existed.  Case in point: The back road where the oldest dim sum shop in Manhattan stands.  We also happened upon a lovely park and a great dive called Winnies where the woman behind the bar chugs beer and smokes cigarettes alongside the house cat named Linda.

hot child in the city

Seeing that it’s oh, one million degrees in New York City today and our streets smell like urine–the only thing anyone can talk about is air conditioning and a body of water. And speaking of urine and water, Kimmy sent me a link to the reopening of McCarren Park pool in Williamsburg. What’s sure to be the coolest and fanciest public pool in all five boroughs, this immediately brought to mind last year’s field trip to Lasker Pool with Nate. It was not until after we moved to New York that I learned my husband had never dipped a toe in a public swimming pool — while these pee-infused playgrounds were the babysitter of my youth — let it be know that your thirties are not the time to be introduced to such activities. After waiting in line at Lasker (Harlem area of Central Park) for nearly an hour, Nate was told that he could not bring in sunscreen. Nate sans sunscreen is Kim Z without her weave. Thankfully, we managed to sweet talk our way in — Coppertone in hand, but once Nate eased his way into the water, someone lunged a spit wad in his direction. He had given me an allotted time of 30 minutes to splash around, but promptly dragged me out upon noticing a rather unsavory long, black hair on his arm.

*I took the photo below from brokelyn.


city island

Here’s (what I happen to think is) a pretty cute photo taken last Sunday. Nate and I explored City Island after my horse riding lesson in the Bronx. This sleepy fisherman’s village is kind of a gem. Actually, I have no idea if it’s really sleepy, but I believe it is a fisherman’s village based on the abundance of seafood restaurants lining the streets. It’s also filled with antique stores, small pubs and this cute little ice cream store where this photo was taken.  Image

hot pants

Our Senior Editor knows that I’m a sucker for any exercise gimmick – so when a PR rep emailed her about “Hot Pants – proven to make you lose 4x the weight,” I had a pair on my desk lickity split. These pants are anything but hot in terms of aesthetics; but step into these biker britches and you’re cooking in no time flat. The material feels like a beer coozie, and is made to squeak right over your saddle bags, pull over your fanny and rest firmly under your boobies. They really couldn’t be more flattering.

I debuted my Hot Pants this morning during my regular Tuesday spin class. I think it’s fair to say that I’ve never been one to wear designer workout gear, or really anything more acceptable than say, pants to the gym – so these were actually an upgrade. But I think it was the oversized, neon yellow “Hot Pants” emblem that really set them apart. That, and the fact they clung to my body like an encased sausage and made an airy swooshing sound when I moved.

Have I noticed any weight loss or a more toned physique? Not yet. Did I notice the half-cup of sweat that had accumulated after taking off my tighty shorts? Oh, I did.

The photo below is taken at the office. As you can see, my level of shame had not quite hit the all-time low.


hikes and wine

Nate and I went on a hike and winery tour on Saturday in the Hudson Valley region of New York. Prior to leaving, I received an email from Betsy to bring  our “backpacks and sturdy hiking boots for the adventure.” I had neither pieces of necessary equipment seeing as my idea of an “outdoor adventure” is taking the train to 125th street to Target. Suffice to say, my running sneakers did the trick and Nate managed to dig out his backpack from the powdered wigs days of OU.

Despite the hike being touted at “easy peasy” by Betsy, there were times when I was huffing and puffing my way up the rocky mountain (or perhaps it was a hill). I was especially short of breath when one of my fellow North Face-clad hikers asked me how I was doing, and I expressed that the hike was pretty damn hard (or at least I tried to, but she happened to catch me at a particularly vulnerable time). Little Miss Hiker Britches had the nerve to say it was, “not as challenging as she’d hoped,” and went on to bore me with tales of her Bear Mountin climb last fall. Other than that minor detail, it was gorgeous beyond words and both of us non-outdoor types really enjoyed the hike. Plus, the winery at the end was like a dangling carrot in front of our nose. Wine as a reward for exercise rules.


the belmont stakes

Such a fun day at The Belmont Stakes last weekend! We ditched our seats (and I gave up stalking Bobby Flay) and joined friends outside for what turned out to be a beautiful sunny day.  For dinner we joined the other class acts at Penn Station’s one-and-only Tracks for oysters and other seafood delights. How appropriate. ImageImage


summer in the city

Last Friday was one of those great New York City kind-of nights. The kind where you just walk around and pop in and out of whatever tickles your fancy. For us, the night started out at an old standby, Bar Carrera where they serve a refreshing cucumber sangria. Nate and I both fancy the table next to the gigantic leg of ham and find ourselves starring at it longingly while we wait for our tapas. We moseyed on down to Leroy Street and downstairs for a couple of (the always delicious) cocktails from Little Branch. This NYC evening was too beautiful to stay anywhere too long, so we meandered more and slipped into Milady’s for a quick beer before heading to a late dinner at The Dutch. These are the nights where you just can’t beat living in city.



How to have a classy picnic in Central Park

How to have a classy picnic in Central Park: First you’ll want to buy a box of Franzia. It’s is “The World’s Most Popular Wine” for a reason. There are five liters of flavor in this bad boy. In our case the unopened box was leftover from last year’s White Trash Bash and had expired, therefore the flavors had time to ripen with age. Next, you’ll want to open said box of Franzia and throw in a couple of ice packs. This keeps the box cold for your picnic. Finally, you’ll want to duct tape the box shut. This not only secures your wine, but adds a personal (classy!) touch to the presentation.